
Gift Baskets


Send that special someone a gift basket from the Pecan Shed!  These gift baskets come in either “Everyday” or “Floral” styles and typically we put the 8oz bags of Milk Chocolate and Creamy White Pecans along with the 6oz of Praline Pecans in them unless you want to change the flavors.  If so please note that in the “Other Notes” section at the bottom of the checkout page.  Also remember to use that “Other Notes” section to let us know what you would like the card inside the box to say!

Due to the Texas heat we cannot ship chocolate products when temperatures rise. All chocolate products are available in our stores but not available for shipping. In the fall when temperatures begin to go down again we will resume shipping chocolate products.
SKU: N/A Categories: ,
Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 8 in
Gift Basket Design

Everyday, Floral

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